Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring into efficiency with your spring cleaning

Spring has sprung and with those April showers comes spring cleaning. Did you know that keeping a clean house isn’t just beneficial to your health, but it can help you save money? The cleaner your house is the more energy efficient it becomes. Here are five tips to keep in mind when you are doing your spring cleaning.

1) Vacuum your refrigerator coils: Dust can collect on the coils and this lowers the efficiency. Every few months pull the fridge away from the wall and vacuum around, under and behind it to keep it dust free. This is also a good time to clean out your refrigerator and check all those expiration dates.

2) Clean windows and doors: While this may seem like a no-brainer, cleaning out the areas around your windows and doors will make sure there is no debris keeping them from fully closing. A loose or cracked window seal causes air to leak through and your air conditioner to work harder to keep the room cool.

3) Clean the attic and any crawl spaces: Since we tend to pile everything into these places and they aren’t often accessed they can become a nice home for critters. Keeping these areas organized and clean can prevent you from having to hire the exterminator.

4) Dust and clean shades and light bulbs: Dusty light bulbs mean you have to turn on more lights, or use higher wattage light bulbs to achieve the desired brightness. Keeping them clean can help you save on your next electric bill.

5) Clean the dyer vent pipe: You know to clean the lint trap, but how often do you think of cleaning the vent? Once a year you should pull the dryer vent away from the wall and clean the vent pipe. By reducing the lint that collects here you can increase your dryer’s efficiency and help prevent a fire.

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