Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Social Media Means More Communication with Your Credit Union

It seems like everybody is using Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites today, with the average user on Facebook 4.5 hours a week. You may see your credit union has a Facebook page and wonder why they would want to be on a social networking site. And the truth is, many credit unions are using Facebook and Twitter as way to talk with you, not to you. So whether you are online or in line, you can be informed about what’s happening at your credit union.

These sites allow credit unions to keep you updated on changes within the credit union. For example, one credit union used Facebook to let its members know about construction they were doing. Another credit union used Facebook to answer a question a member had about a loan.

Your credit union understands that you’re busy, and you might not have to time ask about a new product while you are depositing a check. If they are using social media, you might be able to ask a question without having to enter your credit union! Your credit union might have updates on Facebook or Twitter about a new home loan they offer, a new holiday savings program, or community activities such as the Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger. So, even if you don’t get the chance to check Facebook till after the kids are in bed, you can stay informed about what your credit union can offer you.

-Jess H., Maine Credit Union League

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