Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stay Cool on the Cheap!

After months of complaining about the cold, snow and lack of sunlight, the heat is finally here (or will be, after the rain stops)! While it can be tempting to complain about the climbing temperature, learning to combat the heat is a far more effective way to stay comfortable while taking advantage of this short weather window. Here are some ways to beat the heat, while still saving money!

• Find a cheap, cheerful and air-conditioned activity! Museums and libraries can be a great way to spend a hot afternoon!

• Wear loose-fitting clothing, preferably of a light color, choosing cotton over synthetic fabrics.

• If you do have an air conditioner, take time to clean it to make it more energy efficient.

• Buy ice cream! It worked when you were little, and it will still do the trick today! As many smaller stands often don’t accept credit cards, be sure to stop by a Shared Branch, or Surcharge Free ATM, to get fast cash to fund your treat!
Enjoy the summer sunshine!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Prevent the dreaded ‘summer brain drain’ and give your kids a head start this summer.

School is over and summer break has begun, time for your kids to relax and enjoy a summer of leisure. But did you know that on average, summer leads to the loss of two months worth of grade level math and reading skills? This is commonly known as ‘summer brain drain’ and can put children behind for the upcoming school year.

You can prevent summer brain drain by encouraging your kids to continue learning during the summer. No I don’t mean math worksheets and book reports; summer is the perfect time for kids to realize that learning isn’t limited to the classroom. For example, if you are going to the zoo or aquarium one weekend, have your child research their favorite animal the week before and they can tell you everything they learned while you are there.

Depending on your child’s age they could plant a garden; this can be a family activity as well. They can learn about seeds and food comes from; plus this is an easy way to exercise during the summer. You can plant a garden in your backyard, or get together with other families in your neighborhood and start a community garden.

Going to a summer barbeque? Have your child help you bake cupcakes to bring, not only is this fun and tasty, but it’s also a great way to have your child work on measurements and reading directions. Pick up some food coloring and let them get creative with the frosting.

A great way to help foster reading skills is to encourage your kids to start a neighborhood book club. Depending on their ages, kids can organize this on their own or you can help get them started. Let the children choose what books they want to ready, and allow then to hang out and play together afterwards. Books that have been made into movies allow them to compare and note any differences between the two.

Another great way to improve math skills is to teach your kids about money. Have them open a savings account at your local credit union. They can track any money they deposit and learn how to keep a ledger book. At the end of the summer they can use some of that money to purchase something for the new school year.

Preventing the dreaded summer brain drain doesn’t mean summer can’t be fun. These are just a few of the ways that you can help learning be fun and more relaxed than it might be in a school environment.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Make Summer a Time for Sharing!

Summer is not only a time for vacationing; it’s also a great time for volunteering! Take advantage of the sunny skies to do some good while having a good time! Work in your community garden, help clean up your neighborhood, or even help build a house! Check out volunteer opportunities here.

If you are short on time, but not on caring, why not take a look at what your credit union is doing in your community, and how you could make a donation to help their efforts. While credit unions participate in a variety of causes, credit unions throughout the state also take part in raising funds to end hunger through the Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger. These efforts are especially needed during the summer, as hunger organizations are working to feed a number of Maine’s children during summer vacation when there are not meals provided at school. Visit your CU today to see how you can help support this important cause!